If you're like me, you've got a long line of baby lettuces growing in your plot, and they're running out of space. I spent some time thinning my lettuces this morning, giving them at least 3-4" in between, which meant I transplanted some to in-between rows and pulled some to eat (if anyone else had been in the garden I would have happily given you lots of healthy, delicious lettuce plants, but alas...). Now, it's lunch time, and I'm eating straight from the garden. I also planted some tomato plants. Check out the Gardening Tips and Ideas page for proper planting distances. We have the opportunity for great sun exposure at the garden, which means high producing fruit, but the plants need enough room to grow and produce. I planted my tomato plants 2-3' apart.
********** When I arrived this morning, the tool box key box was open, which meant that I didn't need the combo to get the key. I don't need to tell anybody how terrible it would be if we lost the tools that are in there. Please, please, please, if you don't know how to open or close the tool box, ask for help. Contact us if you need more information. ********** There is a big pile of mulch outside the garden fence, waiting to be spread. When you're there tending your plot, please fill a wheelbarrow or two and spread some mulch on the paths around your plot or someone else's. It doesn't take long, and is easy. Thanks!
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